Pilling is one of the most common issues that is faced among all other types of clothing, particularly with fabrics like wool and cotton. You most likely know how frustrating it feels to get the small little fuzzy balls popping out in your favourite sweater or jacket. With pills on top of them, even the nicest attire appears shabby and outdated. This is the point at which it becomes important to understand the causes of pilling and the preventative measures that can be taken.

In this blog, we’ll go over the reasons why fabrics pill, some practical advice on how to avoid it, and efficient ways to get rid of it.

Causes of Pilling

Pilling refers to small balls that are formed on the surface of fabrics normally due to experiencing friction in the course of wear and wash. Certain types of fabrics, such as wool, cotton, or polyester are more open to piling because of their fiber make-up. A few of the common causes of pilling include:

If you know the causes of pilling, you can adopt effective ways to avoid it.

Preventing Pilling

Below are some helpful tips on how to prevent pilling on sweaters and other fabrics:

Removing Pilling

Even with the best care pilling can occur, but with effective methods, it is possible to remove it. Here are the best ways to remove pilling from clothes:

Tips for Specific Fabrics

Some fabrics have specific care requirements to prevent pilling. Here’s how to remove pilling from wool and other common fabrics:

Although pilling is a common problem, it is readily avoidable with regular care. Pilling can be efficiently reduced by washing items inside out, investing in high-quality clothing, and using moderate laundry cycles. Using a fabric shaver or pumice stone is a great way to remove pilling once it occurs. 

If you’re looking for an online laundry service in Bangalore, laundry service in Bangalore or the best laundry service near me that understands fabric care, The Laundry Basket is a top choice. They provide specialised treatments for different fabrics, ensuring your clothes stay pill-free and look as good as new.