
With an increasingly hectic lifestyle, people are realizing that they do not have the luxury of time that the earlier generations had. Tasks such as deep cleaning has nowadays become weekend tasks. This leads to building up of dust, insects and germs and mold in the corners of your home. Although regular cleaning can get all the dirt and grime, there are some layers of dust which need some extra help. The tremendous effort that this needs usually leaves them tired and drained at the end of the day. Moreover, people are not able to enjoy their weekends.  This is where deep cleaning becomes necessary to maintain a healthy home. At The Laundry Basket, we provide the best deep cleaning services in Bangalore.  

Why is deep cleaning important for house?

Deep cleaning is critical to one’s well being as there may be some dangerous bacteria in the uncleaned areas. This could lead to deadly viruses and bacteria that could affect your family. Many homeowners do not have the time to deep clean their homes, so they hire deep cleaning services.  

Benefits of professional deep cleaning services

Saves valuable time and energy

This is one of the obvious benefits of using professional deep cleaning services. Instead of you cleaning the kitchen and scrubbing the bathroom floors, these professional can do these work for you. You can save time and spend those valuable hours with your family and friends. This will restore your family life and bring your family closer.  

Provides quick service without any stress

One advantage of hiring professional cleaning services is that the experts come to your house at your convenient time and help you to clean the areas that need extra help.  You can choose specific rooms to be cleaned and we do not disturb other rooms in your home. You can fix the date and time and our experts will reach your doorstep at the appointed time.  

Makes your home hygiene and clean

Professional cleaners have specialized equipment and cleaning liquids to ensure that your home is cleaned thoroughly. Small areas in our homes accumulate more dust and bacteria because they tend to be out of reach from our eyes. Places such as top of almirahs, spaces under kitchen cabinets and toilets get special treatments. They clean and vacuum sofas and cushions to remove the dust particles that have been accumulated over the years. This leaves your home hygienic and free of germs.  

Improves the indoor air quality

It is necessary to breathe clean and healthy air. The presence of dirt, dust and allergens contaminate the air we breathe. During winter, it gets even more difficult. If you have pets in your home, the chances of poor air quality increases. So, it is essential to deep clean your home.  

Protects from harmful bacteria and viruses

When you leave your home without cleaning for months and weeks, it leads to the increase in harmful viruses and bacteria due to

●  Mold exposure

●  Dust mites

Exposure to these factors from an uncleaned home leads to common cold, liver and kidney diseases and also cancer. Mold is responsible for common cold problems such as cough, sore throat, headaches and nasal blocks. This may cause major health hazards for your family. Deep cleaning helps in removing the dust and small creatures from nesting in your home.  

Why choose The Laundry Basket for deep cleaning?

While hiring a professional deep cleaning service you have to be confident that your home and your possessions are treated with respect. We at The Laundry Basket, are committed to provide quality service with high standards. Our professionals are highly trained and know how to clean your home from top to bottom. You can be completely confident in the quality of our services. Over the years, we have become one of the leading deep cleaning services in Bangalore


We understand that life can get busy and it is impossible to keep up with cleaning regularly. A professional cleaning service will allow you to maintain a clean and healthy environment. The Laundry Basket keeps you relieved you from this work and you can spend more time in the things you enjoy most. To know more about our cleaning services, get in touch with us.